Sadly, the Summer Learning Journey has ended, and I can no longer participate next year due to being a year 9 and I will be working on studies so I wouldn't have enough time next year. Hopefully new incomers will take my place as being awesome bloggers and being the role models for the newer people that come along.
The activity I liked the most was "One small Step for Man", as I love poetry and space is what I love to read and learn about.
The activity I disliked the most was probably 'Up in the air', seeing as I failed at presenting it and it looks hours spending time on something that wasn't going to work anyways.
First, I learn't that going to space may seem big to us, but in reality, it is just a small puzzle piece of information leading to trillions of untouched information we will never reach.
Secondly, I learn't that men get payed more money and respect even though lady's are the ones doing all the hard work.I hope I don't get a little sister that can carry me.
Last, I learn't that coding games is hard work seeing as I failed in the coding app. It must be hard for people that make popular games like fortnite etc.
One improvement I would make to the programme for next year is to make the links a different colour instead of blending in with the words seeing as I took 5 minutes just to find the link to the video for activity's
But before I go, I must say a special thanks to these two people.
The Picture in the right is Jordan and the one on the left is Daniel. These people are the people who have supported me throughout this Journey. Daniel is a commenter who keeps giving me positive advice throughout this Journey. Jordan has given me the confidence to keep going. Thank you two for helping me through out the journey.
Hello Zayden,
ReplyDeleteOnce again it is Vitaraag. Congratulations on completing the whole Summer Learning Journey. 60 activities, wow, that is a lot of time and effort put into the last year of the Summer Learning Journey, for you. I will also not be participating next year because I go to a school that doesn't participate. I also really enjoyed the activity about the poetry. Once gain congrats on finishing the SLJ. Enjoy the rest of your summer!
Hey Zayden,
ReplyDeleteWow! Thank you for the shout and and your thanks. Your're very welcome :) , I've really enjoyed seeing the work you've done and hearing your thoughts over these weeks and I've been super impressed with the quality and speed of your posts.
Super-awesome-mega congratulations for getting so far through the SLJ activities. From what I see you've only got 5 more activities to do till you're completely finished!
Keep on posting and I'll see you in the comments.
Daniel :)